Web Reservation System (AWR)

  How AWR System Works.....Getting Ready for Your Test Drive  

AWR System is a Three Part System comprised of:

  • The AWR System Reservation Form that your customers access from a link on your facility’s web site.
  • The AWR System Program that resides on one of your kennel computers.
  • The KennelSoft Atlantis Demo Program.
  Pre-Test Drive:   
  1. Download and install our current Atlantis Program demo and the ODBC driver (driver not needed if Atlantis is currently installed on this computer).

  2. Install AWR System setup  - accept all of the defaults.  The AWR System program will launch after installing.  Click on the X in the upper right corner and close the AWR System program.

  Start  the Test Drive:  

Click on the Reservations Tab located at  It will take you to the AWR System reservation form for "Super Dogs and Cats Pet Resort" - our demo pet resort.  You are the pet owner - Let’s go!

  • At top of the reservation form, click on New Client.   Enter all owner information.  Note - phone numbers do require the area code.

  • Next select your Boarding Dates.  For times you can  select AM, PM, specific times, or leave time options blank. 

  • Enter Pet Information (for up to five pets).  When you get to Enclosure Type click on the dropdown arrow.  This list show the enclosure types offered at this kennel.  (These are automatically uploaded from your Atlantis program when setting up AWR System.)

  • Click on Grooming and Spa Services.  Select an option i.e. Bath, Brush, Nails.  Type in any special instructions.  (When importing into Atlantis BBN will appear in the Groom Code field.  Any special instructions will appear in the Profile field.)

  • Enter Feeding and Medication instructions.

  • Camper Activities Program  - The activities listed here were uploaded from the Atlantis program to the web form by the AWR System program.   The options for each activity regarding frequency, specific dates, or being a package (containing a bundled group of other activities) were also uploaded from Atlantis.  Click on each of the activities that have their description in blue to see pictures and a description of that activity.

  • Veterinarian and Additional information – Enter your vet’s name and click on one of the two circles to indicate how you will be providing the kennel with vaccination information.  This is a mandatory field.  The selection you make here will appear in the pet’s appointment notes field in Atlantis. 

    The text lines starting with “This is very important to us”  and the footer regarding Bordetella are both user defined and and uploaded to the web form by the AWR System program.

Click Submit.  If you didn’t skip any of the required fields you’ll see a window that says “Your Reservation Request has been Submitted”.   Close this window and you’ll go to the Thank You page.  This is an html page created by you (or you web designer).  The AWR System program allows you to specify that page’s location.  Closing the thank you page returns you to your kennel’s home page.

If you didn’t get the message that Your Reservation Request has been Submitted scroll up.  If you missed a required field it will be in red.  Make the change and scroll back to the bottom and click Submit.


On your Windows Desktop look for the Atlantis Web Reservations icon and double-click it AWR System will launch and show the reservation requests screen.   In the upper left corner click on Import and then click on Import Web Requests.   The reservations that you (the pet owner) entered plus some others created by us will be imported to this screen for you to review.  Details on the highlighted reservation for both the owner and his/her pets will appear below.  On the right hand side you’ll see five options:

  • Accept - This will import the highlighted customer’s owner, pet, and reservation information for all of that customer’s displayed pets instantly into your Atlantis program.  It will also place W in the flag field of those appointments to indicate that this was a web reservation.  Additionally, it will also indicate in the appointment notes if the customer is faxing, mailing, or bringing in their pet’s vaccination records. 

  • Accept with Review – This is the same as above but will place an R in the flag field of the imported appointments.  This will alert staff to check for any outstanding issues regarding this reservation.  This can also be used for importing reservations that you are declining so that you'll be able to send them an email stating why you are unable to accept their reservation.

  • Purge and Delete – This will get rid of unwanted or turned down requests.

  • Save – You can edit any of the information on imported requests and then save it before it’s imported into Atlantis.

  • Revert – This will restore changes that were made to a reservation request back to the way it was when originally imported.

(Note – Because our Atlantis demo contains the single-user version of our Atlantis program you should have the demo closed while running AWR System.  If you’re running the network (multi-user) version you can, and would want to, have Atlantis open.)




The requests appear in the order of the date in which they were received, with the oldest (some of our demo requests) being at the top of the list. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and highlight one of your reservations and click Accept

Scroll to another request (either one of yours or ours) and click Accept.  Select another and click Accept.  Click on the X in the upper right corner and close the AWR program.

Open the Atlantis Demo Program.  All reservations that you accepted using AWR System you’ll find in the Atlantis demo exactly the same as if they were manually entered.  The difference is that the AWR System does it all in three seconds with no typos.


A check box named “Show Accepted” can be found at the top of the AWR System screen.  Clicking on this displays both accepted and pending reservation requests.  Accepted reservations will show the date and time that they were accepted on the right side of the request line.

The configuration for the AWR System program is accessed by clicking on the Tools icon located in the upper left corner of the AWR System screen.  Click on Tools and then click on Web Settings.   The defaults settings for the three check boxes are:

  1. Upload the Activities from your Atlantis program to the AWR System form on your kennel’s web site.  Note, activities that are set to have a charge rate of zero or a negative amount will not be uploaded to the web site.
  2. Upload the Enclosure Type descriptions from your Atlantis program to the AWR System form.
  3. Do NOT upload your activity prices to the AWR System form.

Other options include setting the web locations for your Thank You page and activity graphics. There are two large text areas where you can personalize the web form.  There’s also a field where you can have the AWR System program delete old accepted requests after a certain number of days.  The demo is set to 90 days.

  Print Out the AWR Instructions
  If you need assistance or a "walk-through" setting up the AWR System & the Atlantis Program demos - please phone KennelSoft 231-264-9515  

KennelSoft Software Systems
Richard L. Smith, President
PO Box 175, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
Phone: (231) 264-9515  Fax: (231) 264-6667   
Email -