Web Reservation System (AWR)

  Introducing KennelSoft's - Atlantis Web Reservations System (AWR)

What if you could import everything you need to know about a pet's upcoming reservation with the simple click of a button?  NOW YOU CAN... with KennelSoft's new Atlantis Web Reservation (AWR) System.

Using the KennelSoft's AWR System you can quickly accept and import owner and pet information from new or existing clients along with all of their reservation information directly into your Atlantis Program.

We invite you to take an Introductory Test Drive.... of our new Atlantis Web Reservations (AWR) System. 
This is a separate program designed specifically for importing your customer
s reservation requests from your web site into your Atlantis program.  This demo website was created to show off the state-of-the-art reservation features of the AWR System in a LIVE website setting. 


AWR resides on your computer and interacts with a highly detailed reservation form that's installed on your kennel’s website.  

Your clients fill out the relevant information about themselves and up to five (5) pets including their vacation dates, activity requests, feeding & medication info and detailed grooming instructions. The client can also select how they want their activities scheduled. 

AWR imports YOUR facility's enclosure descriptions, activities and other items to the web form from your existing Atlantis program. 

AWR form allows for customizable messages, graphics (pictures and text of your activities) and more for a personal touch. 

Using AWR you can quickly accept and import owner and pet information from new or existing clients along with all of their reservation information directly into your Atlantis program.   

Benefits for pet care facilities running KennelSoft's Atlantis Program with the AWR System
  • Speed is perhaps the biggest benefit with the AWR System, you can import all reservation and client info for a new customer with five pets - each with different feeding, medication, and activity instructions - in under three seconds.

  • Using the AWR system will save a busy kennel hundreds of hours a year.
  • No charges per individual reservation request.
  • No percentage charges based on the dollar value of the reservation requests - ever.
  • The AWR System is very affordable with introductory pricing of less than one dollar per day.


You just install a link to the Atlantis Web Reservation (AWR) System directly into your facility’s existing website.  Then, customize and set up the AWR System based upon the types of accommodations and activities that your facility offers

So Take the Test Drive of KennelSoft's AWR System

Note: For an Introduction to the Full Features of the AWR System you must
download and installed BOTH the
AWR System Demo and the Atlantis Program Demo


KennelSoft Software Systems
Richard L. Smith, President
PO Box 175, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
Phone: (231) 264-9515  Fax: (231) 264-6667   
Email -



KennelSoft Software Systems
Richard L. Smith, President
PO Box 175, Elk Rapids, Michigan 49629
Phone: (231) 264-9515  Fax: (231) 264-6667